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Reiki Course London

Training in Reiki.

The wonderful thing about Reiki is that everyone can learn to do it. You don't need any pre-requisites, experience, gift or knowledge - it doesn't matter what age, gender, religion or nationality you are - Reiki training is completely inclusive and is probably the easiest, quickest (you can learn it in a day) and most simple holistic healing method available to us.


In fact, Reiki doesn't require learning in the traditional sense because it is not knowledge based - it is experience based and we can only acquire the ability to channel Reiki by becoming 'attuned' which, is the process of being aligned with universal energy by a Reiki Master during training. Interestingly, because we all have the innate capability to heal energetically, by becoming initiated in Reiki we are simply opening the door to what we are already capable of. Therefore, all you really need is the desire to learn, a day to take a Reiki Level One course, the willingness to let Reiki flow through your hands (to benefit yourself and others) and off you go. 


Reiki is instant and for life. I know it sounds clichéd, but it really is the gift that keeps giving! 


There are many reasons why people decide to embark upon their Reiki journey - they could be motivated by the wish to help a relative, pet, friend or partner who is ill or in need, to work on personal issues, a therapist wishing to add it to their range of therapies or simply the desire to learn after experiencing the benefits of Reiki themselves. Whatever it is, they do say when the time is right, Reiki will find you, or as the adage goes "When the student is ready, the teacher appears". That certainly was the case with me.


 In the West, there are normally three levels of Reiki Training, which are often known as degrees. At each level of attunement, the energy field is heightened and a higher wider channel of Reiki is tapped into.


As there is a lot to learn and absorb within a short space of time, each course is limited to 6 students. It is important that my students get plenty of attention, feedback and hands-on practice. It is also designed for people to come away, not only with the ability to give Reiki but for the day to have been an enjoyable experience. All materials, certificate, refreshments, organic homemade lunch and cake are included in the training fee. 

On completion of the Reiki Level 2 course & successful submission of case studies, the student will be certified to practitioner level. This entitles them to hold insurance and membership with a reputable professional body such as The Federation of Holistic Therapists ( enabling them to practice professionally. Level 1 & 2 can be completed in the same weekend or separately if preferred. 



This is the entry level into Reiki and focuses on physical and self-healing. The student receives four attunements and will instantly be able to use Reiki to heal themselves, friends, family, pets.

Click here for full details of Reiki Level One Training Course



Is available to those who have completed their first level  and wish to progress their understanding of Reiki and increase the healing energy available to them.  and receive two more attunements. They will also learn three symbols to fine tune the Reiki treatment, enhance the energy and ultimately make it more effective. This level focuses on emotional and mental healing and on completion of case studies, will enable the student to practice as a professional Reiki practitioner. 

Click here for full details of Reiki Level Two Training Course




The Reiki Master level is for those who have been qualified in Reiki to the Second level for at least a year, and wish to further their commitment to Reiki. This is often known as Reiki Master A and is ideal for those who wish to move forward with their practice to Master Level but do not wish to teach at this stage. Here, they will receive a third attunement and learn a fourth symbol. Students will also be introduced to a variety of new techniques to enhance their Reiki practice. There will also be workshop time to explore new ideas and give/receive treatments.



The final level of Reiki teaching instruction in the Usui Reiki method of Natural Healing . This is undertaken when the Reiki practitioner feels ready and experienced enough to pass on the gift of Reiki. Teaching Reiki is a big commitment, responsibility and hard work - however it is very rewarding too! This course will give you the knowledge of how to attune others to universal energy, so that they in turn can channel Reiki - which is pretty powerful stuff.  It is worth noting, that while this will enable you to attune others to Reiki, in order to be a successful teacher, you will also need to have the training and skills to successfully facilitate a course. For those who are not already qualified teachers in their own right, it is advisable to take an 'further education' teacher training course with the City and Guilds programme -for detailed information, click this link to visit their page 

At present, I run Reiki Level 1 & 2 & 3 training courses and plan to teach a Master Teacher training course in the future, most likely as a residential retreat.


master training a
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